Anne Conboy
After my studying and working years at Northwestern CT Community College, working at American School for the Deaf in West Hartford, and graduating from Southern New Hampshire University, my husband and I retired. I must mention that the greatest accomplishment I made was becoming fluent in American Sign language and managing programs for deaf and hearing impaired adults. The clients and their issues and achievements were my passion.
Retirement was in Jupiter, Florida and that was where my interest and passion for art began. I loved the scenery and beach and clouds and wished I could paint them. In Connecticut the landscapes, farms and barns appealed to me. I also love Italy scenes and fortunately I have a Facebook friend/photographer in Sardinia, Italy, who allows me to paint from his photos.
Visits to Jupiter and Tequesta art galleries and studios were enticing. Finally, I had the courage to join a class at The Lighthouse Gallery in Tequesta. The artist/instructor and talented students encouraged and inspired me. I continued with the same class for many winters, painting in oil. I think of my style as inbetween impressionism and realism, and I want to learn to paint much looser and more in the impressionist style.
During summers, I paint with Paint with Friends at Litchfield Community Center and now am happily involved with Ten-2-One Artists in Thomaston, CT. I thoroughly enjoy and am inspired by the group’s very talented artists, their many planned activities and camaraderie. Torrington was my home for 50 years and now Harwinton during the late spring and summer months.
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